Pressure Cell Disruptors for Cell Lysis and homogenisation have been a long established and much loved instrument for researchers; this modern system incorporates this technology into a new higher performance, safety interlocked system.
A versatile and replacement for the French Press ® type Cell Disruptor. Easy to use with repeatable results for multiple applications including Cell Lysis, Liposome preparation, Nanoemulsions and Dispersions.
'Pressure Cell' Homogenizer - Features
Adjustable pressure from 1,500 psi (103 bar) to 60,000 psi 4100 bar.
Easy to use and clean with low operating costs and microprocessor control.
A choice of different processing cell - sample sizes - 1 ml, 10 ml, 18 ml and 35 ml. Single shot and continuous cycling modes.
Multiple options for temperature control - both pre-processing and post processing.
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Improved processing for multiple applications
Cell Lysis - Disruption for E.coli, yeasts, Staph. A, mammalian cells, etc ...
Liposome preparation.
Particle Size Reduction - Nanoparticles.
Solid Lipid Nanoparticles - SLNs.
Cell Homogenizer Models
Cell Homogenizer on supplied trolley mount
Dimensions and Weight
(basic configuration)
Weight approx. 125 kg (275 lb)
Width approx. 550mm (21.7″)
Depth approx. 600mm (23.6″)